You are here: About rendering profiles > Creating and editing a rendering profile > Configuring the SolidWorks rendering module options

Configuring the SolidWorks rendering module options

The SolidWorks rendering module requires additional configuration of Meridian Enterprise Server compared to the other rendering modules. This is because the SolidWorks application, which is used to perform the rendering, cannot be run as a Windows NT service like the other rendering applications can. Instead, the Meridian Enterprise Server service must be started from a command line to ensure that all rendering applications that are executed on the computer run interactively. The service must also remain logged on for rendering (including scheduled jobs) to succeed.

To set up Meridian Enterprise Server for SolidWorks rendering:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, create and configure the rendering profiles (see the following task) and schedule the publishing jobs as described elsewhere in this guide.
  2. On any Meridian Enterprise Server node, log on as the Windows user that is configured for the Meridian Enterprise Server service.
  3. If the computer has SolidWorks is installed for rendering, modify the scheduled tasks that perform SolidWorks rendering and enable the Run only when user is logged on option.
  4. In the Services applet in Control Panel , stop and disable the Meridian Enterprise Server service .
  5. Start the Meridian Enterprise Server service manually from a command line in console mode:

    BlueCieloECM.EnterpriseService.exe /c

  6. Leave the service account logged on. It will need to be re-logged on after server restarts before scheduled jobs will run.
  7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 on all remaining nodes that will perform SolidWorks rendering (primary and cluster nodes).

The SolidWorks rendering module options specify which drawings to render and to which format in the destination system.

To configure the SolidWorks rendering options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Data Exchange group, click Rendering Profiles. The All Rendering Profiles page appears and lists the existing profiles grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they are assigned.

  2. Double-click the rendering profile that you want to configure. The SolidWorks rendering options page appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
SolidWorks rendering module options
Option Description

General group


The name of the rendering profile as seen in Administration Console.


The name of the Meridian Enterprise Server computer (cluster node) on which to run this job.

Input extensions

The quantity of source file extensions to be rendered by this module.

To select extensions:

  1. Click Configure. The INPUT EXTENSIONS dialog box appears and lists the supported file extensions.
  2. Select the file extensions that you want to be rendered.
  3. Click OK. The quantity is refreshed to reflect your selections.

Output group


Select an output format: Save as PDF, Print, or Publish as eDrawings.

Printer driver configuration

Select which drawing sheets to render. To render only a range of sheets, select Sheet(s) and then type the sheet numbers in From and To.

Export as 3D

Saves the model as a 3D PDF file.


Select a printer name from the list of available software printers.


Select an orientation from the list.

Drawing page range

Select which drawing sheets to render. To render only a range of sheets, select Page(s) and then type the sheet numbers in From and To.

  1. In the app bar, click SAVE.

Related concepts

Understanding the SolidWorks rendering module